pp108 : Management Console

Management Console

This topic presents an overview of the Management Console and its features.

The Management Console is a utility using which various administrative tasks can be performed. To use Management Console to perform any administrative tasks (except for accessing the properties and Network Configuration), you must log into the LDAP server. For more information refer to Accessing Management Console. Managing Service Containers, Modifying License configuration and LDAP (Content) management can also be performed using Explorer. Explorer depends upon the LDAP Service Container, the XML Store Service Container, and Web Server. If these Service Containers and Web Server do not work properly, Explorer may not be usable. In case of such an eventuality, Management Console facilitates managing the Process Platform as it does not depend on these components. The other administrative functions listed in the following table can be performed through Management Console. The Management Console consists of the following administrative utilities:



Monitor Service Containers

This utility enables users to manage Service Containers. You can perform the following activities using this utility:

  • View all Service Containers
  • Start Service Containers
  • Stop Service Containers
  • Restart Service Containers
  • View Error Details of Service Containers

Content Management

The content management utility enables viewing, managing, diagnosing, and repairing of LDAP content which could represent Organizational Roles, Organizational Users, and Applications. This utility facilitates export and import of LDAP entries to and from an external file, which is useful for backup purpose, as the LDAP entries can be saved in exported files and stored for retrieval. This utility also provides a facility to synchronize the content between LDAP servers, and replicate the content of the primary LDAP server in the specified secondary LDAP server. This ensures that the two LDAP servers contain identical content.

User Synchronization

Management Console allows you to synchronize users in LDAP with the users in the PDC. This utility is very useful when there is a need to replicate all PDC users in LDAP. This utility also helps in clearing unwanted entries from LDAP.

License Configuration

This utility is used to configure license management.

Platform Properties

This utility is used to view and modify the wcp.properties file. This file is located in the Process Platform installation directory, and is read for all attributes and properties that need to be set, for Process Platform to work.

Security Properties

This utility is used to modify security properties that are stored insecurityproperties.xmlfile located in <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/<instance_name>/config folder.

Network Configuration

This utility is used to modify the configuration of Process Platform and enable it to work either with or without network connectivity. This is useful in cases where the network connectivity may be temporarily off and Process Platform has to function as a standalone machine.

State Syncup

State SyncUp supports distributed applications. When more than one instance of the same application runs on a single or on different machines, synchronization among these instances is essential. Process Platform State SyncUp provides synchronized data across instances, as if it were available locally.

Role & ACL Overview

The Role & ACL Overview utility displays roles and subroles within the system and the ACLs configured to them.

Repository Browser

Repository Browser is a simple interface that enables an administrator to view the data as well as perform update and delete operations on the data in the repository.


You cannot access the LDAP on another machine for the following utilities. The content of these utilities can be accessed in your machine where Process Platform is installed (Process Platform server). You can neither view nor manage the content in these utilities in another machine.

  • License configuration
  • Properties
  • Security properties
  • Network Configuration
  • State Syncup

The Monitor Service Containers utility connects to another machine. However, you can view the Service Containers in another machine but cannot manage (start/stop) them. The Content Management utility connects to another machine and also enables accessing and managing the content.

Restriction: Management Console also supports Chinese characters (in the Windows edition). This feature requires the Arial Unicode MS font for displaying multibyte characters. This font is available in Microsoft Office 2000, FrontPage 2000, Office XP, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.

Related tasks

Configuring Process Platform in DMZ
Enabling SSL Communication
Removing header details from SOAP responses

Related reference

Global configuration properties for Process Platform

Related information

Configuring Process Platform Security